Monday, November 4, 2013

Fluffy Kittens!

Rick and I made it to his folks for the first time since Labor Day!
I had to work Sunday, but we got to spend Friday and Saturday at home and visit with Grandma and Grandpa.
Rollo seemed to like Grandma's lap, but he wasn't a fan of Ted.

Ted wasn't a fan of Rollo either, he stalked Rollo a bit, but when he got close and Rollo huffed at him, Ted went flying into the bedroom.

For any who haven't met him, this is Ted engaged in his favorite 'activity'
Rollo is about the size of his head.
 While we were home we also got to see Puff's kittens!
So Fluffy!

They're a little skittish, so I couldn't get too close, but there's five of them snuggling on the bales here

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