Thursday, November 21, 2013

Raising Spiny Norman

There's a thread on Hedgehog Central comparing the ages and weight of members' hedgehogs.  They also have people take pictures of their hedgies next to a dollar bill for a "constant reference" to use for comparison.
Rollo let me get ONE picture of next to the Dollar bill and he's a little scrunched up in it, so you don't get his full length
 A US dollar is about 6.14"
Most people's hedgies seem to be smaller than the bill and they all say things like
"5 months - 227g"
"4.5 months - 252g"
"5.5 months - 325g"
"7 months - 255g"
Rick "palms" Rollo - it's crazy to compare this to his Halloween Photo shoot!
 Rollo is 11 weeks old
He's 7 1/2 inches long
He weighs 349 grams

After that first picture he did this.
And now I've come to realize-
Rick and I are raising Spiny Norman.
He walked all over the couch wearing this dollar bill

It's like a cape! Rick and I couldn't stop laughing

Then he ditched the dollar to go stick his head in this toilet paper tube

Here he is looking like a majestic meatloaf 

Rollo tests the edge before thinking better of it and backing off

Here he looks at me like "Why aren't you putting a hand out to catch me?"

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