Thursday, November 14, 2013


Rollo wants Rick to put him down

You can see his tiny little teeth as he eats a meal worm from Rick's hand. You can also see where his quills are falling out. His quilling is getting everywhere and Rick and I keep finding them with our feet. We can't wait for it to be over.

Rollo gives Rick a sassy sideways glance
Rollo in my lap

Look at his tiny little tail!

We tried to take another picture of Rollo in the tea cup, but he's TOO BIG and kept tipping it over!

the mighty hunter stalks his wiggly prey

He looks extra fierce as he devours his meal worm!

Here Rick supplied Rollo with a bonanza of wiggly worms

he's going to make Rollo fat...
I love that you can see his tongue in this picture!

Rollo examines the tea cup
He's so fun to take pictures of!
He's just so cute!

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